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ribonucleic acid n.【生物化學】核糖核酸〔略 RNA〕。


Extracting ribonucleic acid from discarded brewers yeast was studied and alkali method was compared with salt meathod . the result showed that salt method was better than alkali one 摘要通過從啤酒廢水生產的酵母中提取核糖核酸的實驗,對稀堿法和濃鹽法從操作步驟、產品產率等幾方面進行比較,從而得出濃鹽法優于稀堿法的結論。

The nucleolus is dark , however , and the cvtoplasm is filled with clumps of darkly stained , basophilic material , implying a content of ribonucleic acid 核仁深染,胞漿充滿深染的嗜堿性顆粒,提示含有核糖核酸。

Influence of properties of chitosan nanocarrier material on immune activity of anti - hepatitis b immune ribonucleic acid 殼聚糖納米載體材料性能對抗乙肝免疫核糖核酸免疫活性的影響

“ for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid 發現rna和dna的生物合成機制與

Two major kinds of nucleic acids are found in living things: deoxyribonucleic acid or dna and ribonucleic acid or rna . 生物體中存在著兩大類核酸:脫氧核糖核酸和核糖核酸。

Two major kinds of nucleic acids are found in living things: deoxyribonucleic acid or dna and ribonucleic acid or rna . 生物中存在著兩大類核酸:脫氧核糖酸和核糖核酸。